Hello Cyber world and Friends,
Since my last post much as happened and so little information has gone out. How bout a quick update to say? You Betcha!
The last week of January we spent in Orlando Florida @ Walt Disney World with the whole griggs clan. It was fun, fast, and crazy to try and recap in a few words and we were able to celebrate bits's birthday with Tj in Florida.
Then @ the end of March Bits surprised me with a quick trip up to Canada to get in some skiing at Manning Park which is about 2 hours east of Vancouver and is an extension of the North Cascade Mountains. It was a awesome day and a great Birthday.
Thats Bits rippen it up on her new Telemark Skis. Video's to come soon!
Which brings us up to present day. I am currently working as the assistant coordinator for Ravenna-Eckstein Community Center which means they gave me an entire site to program not just for the teens. It has been a lot of work but I am really enjoying it. Yesterday I decide to make a Messenger Bag for the lovely Bits. It turned out really nice and it is an original griggsaks design with some designer input from knitty bits. Here are some photo's and hopefully some action photos with soon arrive:
Front Flap embroidery work
The finished embroidery.
The finished product with user.
The inside of the bag I know its hard to see I guess you'll have to come out and visit us for a good look. See Ya Soon!